You’ve decided to invest in a new mattress and are brimming with good intentions for health and a sound night’s sleep. The problem is that when we head out to the shops, or begin searching online, that every mattress claims to be firm, orthopedic and good for your back. So how do you choose? Here are our five top tips for choosing a great mattress, whether it is a single mattress or a double.
1.The right single mattress (or any other) is a very individual matter and you need to take into account your weight, build, sleeping position and any existing health problems. The only way to find out what base will suit you is to look into all the options available, take advice from your chiropractor or physiotherapist if you are having treatment, and spend time lying on each of your shortlisted mattresses. As long as you need – up to half an hour or an hour. That’s right; in the shop!
2.Don’t be confused by jargon. Orthopedic usually just means an extra firm mattress, and hasn’t been given any medical stamp of approval. A very hard bed isn’t better than a supportive one, and people who sleep on their sides might actually find a hard mattress too rigid and uncomfortable. In these instances, a medium bed with good cushioning such as visco elastic foam would be better.
3.Spend as much as you can reasonably afford. Your visco elastic foam mattress will last up to a decade; consider how much a decade of good night’s sleeps is worth.
4.Size matters. If you have no problems sleeping but your partner does, then a bigger bed will prevent both of you being disturbed in the night. Research consistently shows that people enjoy a better quality of sleep when they sleep alone. It is possible now to buy beds that zip together and come apart. Useful should you think two separate beds might be appropriate in the future.
5.Finally, care for your mattress with regular turning and good protectors.