Times have changed for employees. The hustle and bustle of the office once provided the backdrop for workers to interact with each other. For travelling reps, this was a disadvantage; the need to process information centrally meant several unnecessary trips back to the office and reams of duplicated paperwork. Business psychology now values flexibility over the static workforces of yesteryear. Recent developments in smart technology have meant freedom for workers to develop their working day independently, and here are some good reasons to make the transition.
1. It’s a generational thing.There is still a stigma attached to working from home, and for some managers letting employees out of their sight is a leap of faith. For younger workers the natural tendency is to do everything from the road, and a mobile interface is perfectly normal for them.
2. Get on my Cloud. Economical software solutions provided by external firms allow access remotely from any laptop. This is known as Cloud computing, and means that workers can work with complex data without going through a central server. Their physical presence is no longer a necessity.
3. Making the most of Downtime. More workers than ever before are using their personal devices for business purposes.This helps them get the best out of the daily downtime – whether sitting on a train, or waiting for a plane.
4. On the Road. For many trades, mobility is an advantage – engineers, architects, doctors and mechanics are just some occupations who value rapid data exchange. Complex information can be delivered in real time and responded to, according to the changing needs of the situation.
5. Flexibility. Many families risk missing the big events of their children’s lives as one or both parents are working. The ability to put in some hours remotely might be traded for an early departure to catch a school play or sports day. This in turn leads to increased well-being.
6. Empowerment. It can be empowering to have greater and autonomy and control over your own work schedule. The ability to contribute to projects while outside of the office can reduce pressure as the timeline can be managed with less stress.
7. Environment. Mobile workers will be doing their bit for the planet. A mobile solution can reduce unnecessary journeys to face-to-face meetings, and the office footprint can be reduced to optimise services for the static workforce.
8. Recruitment. HR managers can cast their net wider – if the job role is not fixed to the office, then the right person for the job might be found, rather than accepting a compromise candidate who might not possess the right skills but happens to live close by.
9. Individuality. Every employee is different. This is hard to judge effectively in the office environment, where individualism is largely hidden by routine. Mobile working allows managers to focus in on understanding what motivates workers, and appraise them accordingly.
10. Trust. Trusted to fulfil their role at a distance, workers are reciprocating that trust and developing responsibility. If they fail to meet their objectives due to distractions or a lack of self-discipline, then they have nobody else to blame.
This article was written on behalf of Traka, leaders in sophisticated Electronic Key Management systems. Visit their site for more information on access control and asset management.