Postboxes deliver both functionality and style to a home and can also be an attractive addition to the face of a business address or apartment block. However, this is the age of identity theft and fraud and it is no longer plausible to select a mailbox simply for its good looks and ability to hold your mail. Your mailbox needs to be tamper-proof and provide resilience in the face of thieves and vandals.
Its time to throw out that wooden mailbox from the front yard and invest in a robust model. For many years those with a need for commercial mailboxes have insisted on lockable mailboxes in order to protect sensitive mail from getting into the wrong hands. These days this approach is sensible for homeowners too. A thief can quickly gain access to your money by gaining access to your personal details via the mail so you need to put measures in place to protect yourself from this distressing and often devastating type of crime.
As with many crimes, this form of theft is one of opportunity. Most thieves will pass on by if they spot a sturdy, lockable mailbox and look out for a better target. With many family homes still opting for post boxes and letterboxes that have no form of lock, they have rich pickings.
There is a great choice of security mailboxes on the market. These include locking mailboxes, those with drop boxes, and multiple locking mailboxes that are aimed at those living in apartment blocks. The latter works in a similar way to single mailboxes in that each individual has a key to a specific box. A drop box style will allow for large mail items to be delivered and left inconspicuously in the mailbox rather than left outside the property. At Mailbox Mania we offer a wide choice of mailboxes with lockable features.