Want to save money and eat well? Planting your own vegetable seeds could be the answer to a stocked fridge at a fraction of the price you pay at the supermarket. But what’s that? You don’t have a garden? No problem! It’s all about utilizing the space you do have. Windowsills and balconies are great for growing vegetable seeds. Here I’ll look at the vegetable seeds you can plant in the smallest of spaces for delicious home grown produce.
Cress doesn’t even require window or balcony space because it doesn’t really need any direct light to grow. Nor does it need soil. In fact the best place for these vegetable seeds (technically they’re sprouts) is in a glass jar beside your sink. You’ll need cress seeds, a clean jam jar, a piece of muslin and an elastic band. Follow the instructions on your seed packet, it’s very easy! Cress is delicious in salads and mixed with sandwich fillings.
Leafy green vegetables don’t need very much light so they’re perfect even in apartments that don’t get much sun. Choose anything that you like to eat such as kale or sprouting broccoli. You can start your vegetable seeds off inside in a plastic container and when they’re strong move them outside, either onto a balcony or hanging over a railing.
Peas are quite hardy and very much suited to planting in limited space. Once the vegetable seeds have started showing you’ll need to keep a close eye on the pea plants and offer them support as they get taller. Sticks of varying heights work just fine as the plant grows. Later you could put it outside with a trellis above the pot and start spreading the pea plant out against the outside wall of your apartment for maximum light (which will ensure lovely sweet peas).
You’re not limited to vegetable seeds; herbs also do very well in apartments. Get yourself a variety of herb seeds and one medium sized pot or an old bottle (recycling is great!). You can plant the seeds of a few herbs in the same pot, spacing them out so they’ll have room later on. Think of the herbs you like to use most in cooking e.g. basil, coriander and mint. Basil and mint are actually from the same herb family so they’ll grow very well together.
Remember it’s all out thinking outside the box when it comes to planting vegetables in an apartment. Hanging baskets and trellises will brighten up the outside of your apartment and provide the perfect environment for a small garden.
Vegetable Seeds by nickys-nursery.co.uk. Visit their website today if you’re looking for Herb Seeds.