When finances are running low, it may be a necessary evil that you have to reduce your workforce to ensure that the company can continue to operate. However, there is somewhat of Catch-22 involved in this as, with a smaller workforce, it will be far harder to ensure that you can cope with the workload that you have.
If this is the case, falling behind with deadlines or important orders can have another major detrimental effect, and in turn see your company losing even more work and profits.So if you can’t afford to carry on with the same staffing levels, but can’t afford to carry on without them, what are you supposed to do?
Changing the structure of the company is the first step. Whilst it may seem ineffectual to have job roles crossing over, doing so can mean that different departments can continue to function despite reduce staffing levels.The next step is to look into outsourcing areas of the business. For instance, payroll outsourcing and other HR solutions could mean that you can dramatically reduce the size of the HR department’s workload, whilst also saving you money.
Whilst it may seem more expensive to use payroll outsourcing rather than doing it in-house, it will actually usually be not only cheaper but also far more accurate meaning that you will most likely end up saving both time and money when it comes to erroneous paycheques.
Looking into HR solutions means that your company can invest its time into focusing on far more important matters that will ensure the company can continue to function. In turn, with all your staff issues being dealt with as thoroughly as possible by outside companies, staff will also undoubtedly be happier and therefore more productive too, meaning you will be getting even more work done by your smaller workforce.