If you’re looking for dog food Ireland, there are many places to get it. However, there are a myriad of choices (brands and labels) that can make buying the appropriate dog food for your particular dog, rather confusing. After all, you want your best furry friend to be healthy as well as happy.
Proteins in Dog Food Ireland
When choosing dog food Ireland, bear in mind that, although your dog will like and eat many of the same foods that we do (dogs are omnivorous), feeding him leftovers of your carbohydrate-rich diet may not be the answer. Dog food Ireland should consist of about 18% protein – animal protein from meat and fish is excellent. Dogs will eat vegetables too, but one must ensure that they provide a suitable amount of amino acids.
Fats and Carbohydrates in Dog Food Ireland
For good nutrition, dogs need fats, in order to keep their coats skin, nose and paw pads healthy. About 9% to 15% of an adult dog’s calories should come from fats. Fats will also provide much needed energy. However, too much fat will result in an unhealthy dog – be careful of feeding your hound too many titbits or treats! Fats contain more than twice the calories per gram than protein or carbohydrates. Carbohydrates aren’t a natural source of energy for dogs. Most of their nutrition needs are met by fats and protein. There is no minimum recommended carbohydrate content for dogs, nor do they have required fibre content (although they will have diarrhoea if they receive insufficient fibre!)
Brands of Dog Food Ireland and Where to Get Them
The good news is that most available brands of dog food Ireland have been specifically formulated to provide the correct nutritional balance to keep your dog healthy. It is well worth taking your time in researching the various brands available or, at least, reading the instruction on the products themselves. As your dog grows and develops, his/her nutritional needs will change and the various dog food brands will cater for this. An excellent place to start in your search for dog food Ireland is to visit www.petfood.ie
For the best range of dog food Ireland has to offer visit petfood.ie. Top quality cat and dog food can be purchased from a range of leading brands. Visit their site today to take advantage of great special offers.