I can still remember the night when my parent’s home got burgled. I was a wee nipper at the time and we had been out to watch a bonfire with my cousins and when we got home the house had been ransacked. Mum was in tears, dad was livid and I remember feeling really upset. It’s a horrible experience and it wasn’t long after that mum and dad had intruder alarms fitted. Most homes have Intruder alarms these days and it’s rare to find a property that doesn’t have some type of House alarm systems. It’s a sign of the times and Intruder alarms are a necessary evil as we fight back against crime. In an ideal world we wouldn’t need Intruder alarms but modern society is far from ideal. Burglaries are on the rise and it’s a great time to have Intruder alarms fitted if you haven’t already done so.
At one time you only had one option if you wanted to fit intruder alarms to a property. The earliest types of House alarm systems were hard wired versions and you had to get them professionally installed by qualified alarm engineers. This wasn’t a bad thing. It just meant the installation time was a little longer before the Intruder Alarms went live. Engineers would install a control panel, door and window contacts and internal PIR detectors that would pick up on movement and activate the Intruder Alarms at the first sign of trouble. You can still buy wired versions of Intruder Alarms but there are different options to select as well.
If you want to cut down on installation times and remove the need to have messy wires running through your house consider wireless versions of intruder alarms. They’re so simple to fit and wireless House alarm systems are just as effective as any wired solution that’s on the marketplace right now. It’s a faster, more efficient way to protect your home and wireless Intruder alarms come packed with many features. Wireless Intruder alarms send message alerts to your mobile if somebody breaks into your house. You can set them up to ring your mobile if intruders are present and you can listen and talk to the burglars to warn them off your property. You give your home total protection with House alarm systems and send out visible and audible warnings to thieves that might be eyeing up your property.
Home alarm systems from Executive Security offer a complete home protection shield at all times. At executivesecurity.co.uk you’ll find details of their intruder alarms.