The vast majority of company employees are honest, hard-working, and trustworthy people. But if an organization is unfortunate enough to hire a bad apple, then problems can really begin to escalate. Repeated absenteeism is a real problem in any company. It’s difficult to plan for short-term absence and the rest of the team are understandably aggrieved when they have to pick up the slack. Longer-term absence is easier to plan for, but it’s expensive to pick up the tab and may not be completely genuine. How can anyone tell for sure?
And then there’s theft of company property. Every organization has stock and equipment worth thousands of pounds on site. It’s bad enough having to guard against security breaches from the outside, let alone employees who steal from their own company. So what is a manager supposed to do if they suspect an employee of such crimes as outlined above? A hunch is no good to secure disciplinary or legal proceedings to take of the matter. It’s absolutely essential to have evidence. Evidence that can be hard to come by. This is where Insight Security Management comes in. They can provide companies with private investigators to look into problems they suspect are happening, but cannot yet prove.
These corporate investigations can uncover the truth behind suspected crimes and malpractice in the workplace. Using private investigators might sound outlandish, but it makes perfect sense. Any investment in these services is soon recovered as absence and theft-related problems are eliminated one by one from the workplace. This of course in time leads to huge financial savings. They carry out their work subtly, but effectively and have an extremely high success rate in exposing malpractice in the workplace and exposing dishonest members of staff. This means a better work environment for everyone concerned.