You can’t seem to do anything anymore without someone constantly going on about the fact you can now do it in 3D. It seems people seem to have forgotten that all you need to do is go outside and you can see trees, cars and people for yourself in glorious 3D and not have to wear a pair of silly glasses and pay huge amounts extra for the privilege. So with everyone harking on about how great 3D is, should we be taken in by this alleged revolution or should we keep our heads and remember it is just another gimmick?
Ultimately, it depends for what reason the 3D is being utilised. Certain films for instance are greatly improved by the addition of that extra dimension however, for others, a gimmick is literally all it is and more than one potentially great film has suffered from the seeming necessity to add 3D into the mix.Likewise, TV can benefit from it, but it can also suffer. Not only are you going to be paying more for a TV set, but you also now have to wear glasses whether you like it or not – as soon as one person decides to watch something in 3D, the rest have no choice.
However, there is one way that 3D is likely to be beneficial every time. In marketing, the use of Holographic Displays has opened up a whole new level of potential. Whilst you wouldn’t want every campaign or product launch to use 3D displays, their use on the right occasions will almost certainly wield far more impact, whether these Holographic Displays are being used to more succinctly and accurately display items or whether you want a famous star to be able to talk to the gathered crowd like he was there in the room.But just like any 3D, 3D displays should still be used responsibly…