If you are looking for a great fundraising activity that will please all the donors of money for the charity cause then look no further than brick etching. It has become a very popular way of fundraising. Donations are accepted in exchange for a brick for instance if a new charity buildings needs to be built using donations then the building can have one wall that is made up of bricks that have been etched with the name of the donor. It could also have dates etched into the bricks too; in fact anything that you like could be etched into the bricks for whatever reason.
It is also possible to have a brick etched with the date of the build of your home or the name of your home if you are rebuilding or renovating a building. You will find that there are hundreds of companies throughout the country offering this service no matter where you are located. It is also a great way to provide a memorial for different things.
If you are looking for a company that provides brick etching then start looking in your local area, you will find that there are usually advertisements in local newspapers and trade publications. You will also find lots of advertisements offering this service in construction magazines. Many companies now place advertisements in local newspapers offering their services with a discount if the advertisement is produced.
The internet is also a great place to locate a company offering brick etching. Most companies now have their own website where they can showcase all of their services and products to customers and prospective customers. You will be able to see all the products and services they offer along with contact details and prices. It is easy to find these companies if you use an online search engine and type in ‘brick etching’ it will return a list of company websites specialising in this service. It is important to add your locality to the end of the search too if you are looking for a company in your local area.
brick etching by engravebricks.co.uk. We specialise in engraving bricks and pavers for fundraising projects. Visit their website today if you’re looking for engraved pavers.