Pressure washing and blast cleaning is ideal for stubborn stains in outdoor areas. Blast cleaning is designed to remove the toughest of dirt that may have even built up over a long period of time from months to years.
Blast cleaning equipment can be expensive to acquire. However blast cleaning services is popular and if you’re interested in starting up your own blast cleaning business, then make sure you choose the right sandblasting equipment. You should soon be seeing a return on your investment.
There are several main components of a blast cleaning kit. A typical set up consists of six main pieces of equipment: compressor, blast pot, blast helmet, breathing air filter, blast hose and a nozzle.
The most ideal compressor is powered by a diesel engine mobile compressor. These are rated on their air output power which is measured in cubic feet per minute. The range of a diesel engined mobile compressor ranges from 140 to 350 cubic feet per minute. The main manufacturers are Atlas Copco, Ingersoll Rand, Compair, Sullair and Kaeser.
Compressors with a lower cfm range are lightweight and easy to tow with a small van and extremely fuel efficient. However smaller blast cleaning compressors are limited to cleaning lightly soiled bricks, steel and wood. Unless combined with a powerful blast pot. With this combination, it’s easy to complete most jobs.
Larger and more powerful blast cleaning compressors are popular amongst the medium sized and hire companies however these are heavier to transport. You would therefore need a decent size van to carry the heavier compressors. However the more powerful the compressor, the easier it will be to blast cleaning large areas of stone, brick, rusty or painted steelwork. These are therefore ideal for large buildings as long lengths of compressor and blast hoses can be used without losing too much power.
The most powerful blast cleaning compressors are the ultimate cleaning machines. These are popular amongst crew ships where it’s necessary for a super fast clean to be carried out on heavily corroded steelwork. Also useful for bridges, structures, heavy machinery.
blast cleaning by Visit their website today if you’re looking for sandblasting equipment.