Nationwide,particularly in larger cities,the job market has become tricky to navigate,with the continuing recession.Fewer jobs lead to a greater ratio of applicants,and it can be difficult to obtain the edge.Nursing 2000 offer their knowledge, success and extensive list of clients to unemployed nurses.With an employment agency geared around the medical world,in particular towards nursing jobs,the chances of finding an appropriate,agreeable and well-paid position are greatly improved.
Pay rates are competitive with the agency, and all candidates are paid promptly via BACS. The company believe that a strong relationship between agency and candidate is key to the contentment and productivity of staff. Nurses are CRB checked annually, and have up-to-date training in accordance with NHS guidelines, and the agency offer regular opportunities for candidates to refresh their skills on training programmes.
Clients with available nursing jobs, both general positions and roles with specialist requirements, inform the company. The details are then posted online and passed on to suitable nurses, who possess the relevant training and experience for the role in question. The site is simple to use and candidates can search through available nurse jobs with ease. Short and long term vacancies are available, and sometimes immediate emergency cover is required, across a range of medical fields:
dental nursing to nurse jobs in oncology and A&E. Jobs are available nationwide, in NHS practices, private practices, HMPs and care homes, providing fresh scenarios, chances and challenges for candidates.Incentives are also offered, reminding nurses that they are invaluable. Bonuses and reward schemes for nurses who have worked a particular month, introduced another candidate or attracted a new client are all available.With its expertise, good reputation, and nurse jobs for all talents, the agency has recently been given a position on the new national NHS framework agreement for nursing, a testament to its worth within the profession.