Phone insurance has many benefits, but can be extremely costly, especially for those who are extremely careful with their phone, or very rarely even take it out of the house with them. However, without it you can end up being liable for a huge cost if your phone breaks outside of the warranty or if it ends up lost or stolen.
However, the cost of the insurance itself can often add up dramatically and over the course of a long contract, you can end up paying nearly as much as the phone is worth. So, what other options are there when it comes to protecting your phone?
Well, firstly, you can always choose to not insure the phone. Whilst this may not be wholly advisable, if you put aside the amount you would be paying for insurance each month, you may well find that you can save up enough to cover the cost of the phone yourself and have this as disposable income should you not come across any problems. On top of this, if the phone breaks you will also be able to get money through mobile phone recycling.
When you recycle mobile phones you can even get a considerable sum of money for broken phones, so rather than sending it back to the manufacturer and getting nothing, when you recycle mobile phones you can get a bit of extra cash towards a new phone.
Other than saving money yourself and using mobile phone recycling, using the right protective cases will also help remove the potential for breakages. Meanwhile, specific cases may also help reduce the chances of the phone getting lost or stolen.Ultimately, insurance can be important for phones, but look into other options that may be right for you first before giving all that money away.