It’s said that you can tell everything you need to know about a woman by what is in her handbag. For some, that will be a massive shoulder handbag that holds everything but the kitchen sink, whilst for others it will be tiny clutch bags holding the bare minimum to get them through the night. But, wither way, just how can you get your handbag organised and only carry what you are likely to need?
The first step is regular clear outs. No matter how well you tidy it out one week, if you don’t keep on top of it it’ll be jam packed full of old receipts and scraps of paper within a few days. Tidying out your handbag regularly means you will be able to file or bin all those bits, and know exactly where they are should you come to need them.
Secondly, a good diary is a great step to keep your shoulder handbag free of clutter as it means you can transfer all important dates and information into there rather than keeping note after note and chucking them into your handbag hoping you can find them at a later date.
Having a day handbag and separate night clutch bags can also be useful, as it means you will regularly have to sort through the two and decide what you need for each occasion. A smaller night bag will also mean you have to carefully select what you actually need which, in reality for most, is not very much. Your purse, keys and mobile are normally enough, with the addition of an umbrella if it’s likely to rain and maybe a lipstick for touch ups. However, we all know most take out much more than this.
Keeping your handbag organised can make every day life simpler and mean you never have to route through endless piles of receipts trying to reach your car keys again.