Whether you have been involved in a motorway accident, or you are here because you want some advice should you be involved in one, below you will find some recommended actions to take, so that you do not make any mistakes, with regards to your legal position.
At the scene of the accident
At the scene of your accident, it is essential that you do not admit liability for the accident, since this could be used against you if you make a claim. Stay calm, and write down as many details about the accident as you can (if you can do so), so you do not forget them. If you are not fit to do this, then you can ask somebody else to write the details down for you.
Immediately after the accident
Seek medical attention, if an ambulance does not attend the scene. It is always best to call 999 and get an ambulance to you. Do not drive yourself to the hospital, even if you feel like you can. If you are unable to arrange your own ambulance, somebody will call for you.
Always follow the advice of paramedics
If at the scene of your accident the paramedics recommend you go to the hospital, then you should heed their advice. However, you should request to go to the hospital, even if you are cleared, since some injuries can be delayed.
Get a crime reference number from the police
If you have been involved in an accident with an uninsured driver, then you should be given a crime reference number by the police. If you do not get this at the scene, then chase this up, so that your solicitor can request the case file during your claim.
Seek legal advice when you are fit to do so
Once things have quietened down, you may consider making a claim for financial compensation. If this is the case, then you should call an accident advice helpline motorway accident, so that you can get relevant claims advice. By calling a helpline, you can discuss your case with an experienced claims advisor, and establish your eligibility.
Instruct a solicitor to act on your behalf to make your claim
The claims process is designed to account for the fact that you will have a period of recovery from your accident. For this reason, it is always best to instruct a solicitor to act on your behalf when making a claim. This will not cost you anything upfront, nor during the claims process, since your solicitor will work on a ‘no win, no fee’ basis. Your solicitor will take care of the claims process for you, so that you can concentrate on your recovery.